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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Teen Tuesday: Giving Thanks

Written by Kellsey Theriot

1 Thessalonians 5:18  In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Psalm 118:1 “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

As Christians, God has given us so many things that we should be thankful for, but most of the time we take these things for granted. One of the major gifts that He gives us is the gift of salvation. God loved us so much that He gave His Son to die on a cross so that one day, if we are saved, we can have a home in Heaven. He has also given us His Word which we are supposed to study and to follow its commandments. He has given us a church and a Pastor who takes time each week to prepare messages for us to hear from the Word of God. God has given us way too much to be thankful for, that it would take forever to list everything. It has been said, “Give thanks to God first, because without him you would not have everything else that you are thankful for.” God is more likely to bless you, if you are thankful on a daily basis for everything that He has already given to you. So, let's follow the commands that we are given in the Bible, and give thanks to God and others for everything that we have been privileged enough to have.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Monday's Message: Corrupting God's Word

Aside from our salvation, the local church is the greatest thing the dear Lord Jesus has given those whom He purchased on the old rugged cross.  It is Jesus Who said in Matthew 16:18 “…and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Since it is Jesus Who founded the church, and purchased the church to Himself with His precious shed blood; it is pretty clear that the church, the local Bible believing, Bible preaching New Testament Church belongs to the Lord.
Belonging to the Lord, as the word of God also teaches us that He is the head; the church is Jesus’ responsibility.  And so the Word of God is primarily written to, and for Believers.  But it is never taught or even hinted, that it is the church’s responsibility to correct His Word.  Man has successfully proven one thing from the very beginning; he is not perfect. And therefore; he is not able to do anything with what is perfect;[the word of God] and keep it perfect nor make it perfect.  Obviously; there is no need to do this as it is the Lord Himself, Who said:  Psalm 12:6-7  The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.”
We should certainly be thankful and praise the Lord for this!
But anything that man does; in the name of religion, or any other reason, to the word of God, in regard to changing what the Lord has given to us in perfection and divine preservation, can only do it harm.
We read in II Corinthians 2:17 “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”
It is interesting to read, that even in Paul’s day; evidently, there were those who were corrupting God’s word.  It is also very interesting to study what all the word corrupt means. [to be a retailer, to peddle )/tomake money by selling anything
*to get sordid gain by dealing in anything, to do a thing for base gain.
The Lord gave it to us in the King James AV; as the word corrupt; so obviously, this is what He wanted us to have and to read.
But please think about it with the words of which the same original word is rendered to us as:  to make money, or to do a thing for base gain.  It is the church’s responsibility to be the pillar and ground of the truth.( I Tim. 3:15b).  Not to change or alter, or corrupt it to fit our opinions or our religion, and definitely not to make enough changes to sell another version to make money.
Psalm 119:89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.”

Friday, June 24, 2016

Family Friday: What in the World?

Our world is in desperate need of families who strive to love and to serve, even when daily pressures, work and stress have them overwhelmed.

Jesus’ followers are called to stand out. To act in a way so unique and appealing that people sit up to notice, “What in the world?” This difference is love shown by a loving, serving heart:

o    A husband opening the door for his wife and compliments her
o    A wife snuggled to her husband’s side with a hand on his knee and a smile
o    Children speaking to their parents with respect and volunteering to offer a helping hand
Scenes like this get your attention, don’t they? Jesus knew they would. In John 13:35 He says, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”  In many families, love has become misplaced and reinterpreted: “You love me if you do XYZ.”

The good news is there is a better way. There is a way to be noticed ... in the right way.

Get “caught” doing this:

1.  Watch your tongue.

2.  Display gentleness and respect in your body language.

3.  Don’t think, “It’s all about me.” Love, give, serve.

4.  Work as a team in challenging times and with difficult kids.

5.  Read God’s Word to learn what “a better way looks” like.

6.  Turn to Jesus and ask for His Spirit to fill you and guide you as you strive to live positively noticeable.

7.  Finally, make kindness your first response, trusting that your family members will do the same.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday: Thankful for Sunday!

Written by Brooke Williams, Missionary wife serving in Ghana

Sundays come and go. Some Sundays I'm not so thrilled to get up, get bags packed and make the journey to church. Some Sundays I want ever so much to have an excuse to stay home, for I don't want to brave the heat with a tired 18 month old, a rambunctious 3 year old, an energetic 5 year old.

Some Sundays I'm just plain tired and spending three or more hours immersing myself in another culture and language, walking up and down the mountain.  Dealing with tired, hungry children is quite daunting and I simply lack the desire to do it all again, but .... I go.  Oh what joy thrills my soul and makes me ever so happy that I did and that I get to go to church here! Happy faces greet us when we arrive at the schoolroom that is the holding place for our services.  We all take turns making our rounds and shaking hands in the friendly Ghanaian way. The room has been well cleaned and set up prior to our arrival. We choose our seats and the service begins, as Nicholas leads us in song. The sound of people lifting their voices in praise to God stirs my being.  We sing, loudly and wholeheartedly; we pray, quietly and reverently. A different language than my mother tongue is spoken here, but the Lord understands and it is precious to His ears I'm very sure. We applaud those that are receiving their baptism certificates and the enthusiasm strengthens my weary mind. 

We sing some more and take up the offering. I watch dark hands placing their hard-earned coins in the basket. This is their church and they are proud to honor God with what little they have. Announcements are made and more songs are sung.  The last one is slow and prayerful. This is my cue.  My husband will begin his message soon. I go with the young children outside to our place under the extended roof. We sit at our benches and color Bible story pictures, all sharing the few crayons I have brought. No scribbling will be seen here. Even the youngest ones take great care and time to make their picture look beautiful. They are careful with the crayons, they don't want to break them. One by one they bring their finished pictures to me.  Their eyes look up to mine and search my face to see if I am pleased. I look at them and my heart melts... 

"Suffer the little children to come unto me...", Jesus said, and I believe I understand why. I tell them their picture is lovely and that they have done well. My Twi is broken, but they understand and huge smiles light their faces. We cut hearts out of construction paper and one by one we write their names on them...Florence, Blessing, Matilda, Samuel, Prince, Adua, Jonathan, DavidJesus loves each and every one. We talk about giving our hearts to Jesus. Soon, it seems, church is over and we are saying goodbye to one another. My family is given a bunch of plantains and a bag of palm nuts as gifts. After most everyone has left, I find a place to sit down. I'm hot, tired and hungry but I must wait for my husband to finish a meeting. I curl my legs up under me and look around. The village is quiet and peaceful. My children are playing happily with some of the children.  They race from tree to tree; they play tag; they toss rocks across a line drawn in the dirt.  My youngest chases a baby chick while two older ladies watch him and laugh. The young teenage girls from our church come and sit by me and we talk about life. A lady brings us oranges to refresh ourselves and I'm so thankful for I am very thirsty. We eat; we joke; we laugh as juice runs down our chins. Little Mary brings flowers and puts them in my hair and I feel like a princess.

Days like this make all the tough times so worth I ever so glad I didn't miss this day! 
Yes, I'm very thankful for this Sunday...very, very thankful!