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Friday, April 28, 2017

Family Friday: Family Riches

Family Riches
They say that times were tough then
That money was very tight
But I remember my childhood
And I know that can't be right
Mom would cook our dinner
Dad came home at five
We were all sitting at the table
Waiting for him to arrive
We wouldn't eat from a microwave
Or a restaurant down the street
We all ate Mom's home cooking
And boy that can't be beat
We didn't eat in front of the TV
Or with a phone in our hand
We weren't plugged into a stereo
bopping to the latest band
We would all sit at the table
Everyone in their place
There were never any surprises
We recognized every face
Brothers to the left of me
Sisters to the right
That's the way we ate dinner
Every single night
We laughed we joked we talked we ate
We were a family don't you see
Though some may have been raised poor
You can see it wasn't me
We ate collards we ate biscuits
We ate fatback and blackeyed peas
We said yes sir we said no sir
We said thank you ma'am and please
So when you talk of family life
Or how it used to be
Though many had more money
None were as rich as me

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thoughtful Thursday: Spring

There are many blessings,
that each new Spring brings
you can see it bloom about
and hear the song it sings.
With winters bleakness over,
and brighter days ahead
comes promises of new life
Springtime loves to spread.
As God unfolds the flowers,
and their buds begin to show
He gives to us the assurance
grace in our hearts will grow.
He sends us the robin’s song,
with the promise to provide
a shelter under His mighty wing
where in His love we can abide.
He melts the snowy covers,
and sends the refreshing rain
sprinkling us with His mercies
to heal winter’s ache and pain.
God’s given to all His Son,
to shed upon us a new light
and the real blessing of Spring . . .
is keeping Jesus in our sight!
Song of Solomon 2: 11-12
King James Version
“For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and
gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the
time of the singing of birds is come, and the
voice of the turtle is heard in our land;”

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Teen Tuesday: Aleia's Story

Foster Kid
By Aleia Foster

            God always puts you where he wants you to be. When I was younger I always found myself going to church no matter where we moved.  I went through a lot as a kid, so it made me happy to know someone died on the cross for me.  I never fully understood why Jesus died for me and that I needed salvation until the first summer I attended Vacation Bible School. It was a Monday morning during the summer and my mom came in and told me, that the boy next door wanted to know if we wanted to go to church with him. I told her that if Alecia, my sister, went then I would go too and my sister surprisingly said, yes! We rode to church and I remember being scared at first, but then started having fun.
            After Vacation Bible School.  I started going every Sunday and some Sunday nights too. I tried to stop, but Bro. Jon, the Youth Pastor, and Bro. Bob, the Bus Captain, never gave up on me.  They came every Saturday till I started going again. That summer I went to camp also. Thursday night at camp after the evening service our youth group hung out together and really got to know each other. I started to realize I had a church family that cared.  They knew my name even though I only knew some of their names.
As I grew, I started to get even more involved in church and I started soul winning on Wednesdays. During this time, it seemed like I was constantly getting a talk from Bro. Jon about my life, but I was secretly was thankful for it. The youth group helped me through a lot. Yes, they got on my nerves and we didn’t always get along, but when I was having a rough time at home and eventually moved in with my grandma, hanging out with them made me forget about my problems. Soon after moving in with my grandmother, I became a bus worker on my bus route. I really enjoyed getting to hang out with the bus kids and the other bus workers, but because she lived thirty minutes away it was not always easy for me to come to church for every service or activity.
            So, on Sundays I began to stay the afternoon with Bro. Morgan and Mrs. Evan, a couple in the church, so I would be able to attend both services. Soon after, I started to have problems with my grandmother so I moved back in with my mom. There, I had issues getting into school. While I was waiting to enroll into public school, I hung out at our church’s Christian school for two days. The second day at Grace Baptist Academy, Bro. Shannon, my Pastor, pulled me aside and asked if I would consider attending there. Very soon after I moved into Bro. Morgan and Mrs. Evan’s house and began attending a Christian school.
            Through everything I have experienced God has brought 1 Peter 3:9 to my mind many times.  It says “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but countrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing”.  I have realized that even though my life has not been my idea of perfection, God needed me to go through everything to be what He needs me to be. While I don’t completely understand my purpose yet, He has one for me.  In 1 Peter, God promises to bless me, because God has chosen to call me out. It amazes me that God would look down and choose to use me when I do not see my own worth yet!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday's Message: Hard Head

Psalm 107 “Hard Head”
Text:  Psalm 107:22-31
God is Omniscient!  God is Righteous! 
He is masterfully directing and orchestrating our lives to bring us into a place of blessing and joy.  
Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
We are not able to comprehend all the ways or events God deems necessary to bring about good in our lives!
That is where faith comes in!
·         We must believe, know, and proclaim: GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!
·         We have the misconception that “We are good, and God is like us at times
We must TRUST the God in whom our salvation is secure with this life also.
-          It was NOT God’s first choice to use hardship in our lives!
-          Tragedy, Trials, Pain, Horrible Violence: these are all the result of sin!
·         the drastic measures that God will at times find necessary should not drive us from Him, but rather proclaim the extreme devastation of Hell
·        There are few bad events. There are usually good outcomes verse bad outcomes.
107:8/15/21/31 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

107:22. Here he begins this portion with a conjunction that forms his conclusion…“And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving
-          These are the people who are keeping the law! (Romans 12:1-2)
·         They pray, read the Bible, attend church, etc.
§  Change and development are not the same!! (none perfect)
and declare His works with rejoicing
-          These people are notWonderers” = the storms they have endured have strengthened their faith, not sent them searching for a better alternative that God. (Christian life is difficult)
-          These people are notRebels” = they have not rejected God because they disagree with His methods of molding them. (against your will)
-          These people are not Fools” = they recognize God’s hand at work in their lives even though it is troublesome and difficult.(You are not God)

We are never capable without His strength.
-          You cannot be a Christian without Christ
Independent, un-surrendered believers are killing their families and churches

107:23. These people must leave the “City of Habitation” to find work: this is the majority of believers. They are talented, experienced, possibly wealthy. The great waters are mentioned to remind us of the opportunity and the risks that exist, and that God controls the environment.

107:24. We who recognize His ability – His creation’s beauty & His unlimited power are most foolish to ignore it’s profound effect in our lives!

107:25-26. When we lose control & and cannot even tell which way is up. Each of us can think of times in our lives just like that! HE IS IN COMPLETE CONTROL! In fact, there will be times when just walking will become a challenge. We will face times in our lives that getting out of bed and moving forward physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually is a great victory!

107:27. “THEN they cry unto the Lord” – Why do we wait until this point? Notice the tense of the verb. This is not a one-time event. Unfortunately, this may become a repetitive instant in our lives.
Wits’ End (Stubborn // Hard headed)
-          We are convinced it is a matter of prayer only after God has proven it
[Bringeth]:  (Present tense // third person)  To cause to come to a point,
 Bringeth them to their desired haven” always having to force them to the end of their strength, power, and intellect before they will call upon HIM!
-      God is going to bring you to a place that exceeds your expertise.
-      He want us to rely on Him in areas where we are most independent because of gifts, talents, or experience.
Their desired haven” = he gets them where they were going!!
-      He did not change the outcome He simply got the glory for its completion
ILL – “Joshua at Jericho
-      He was one of the two spies that went in the first time
-      He had probably spent the last 40 years planning his strategy for victory

107:28. perpetual: (the tense never changes?)
                = We must surrender to the wisdom of the MASTER!
-         God will continue this good work until we rebel against Him, or we wise up and depend on Him as we should.
2 Timothy 2:11-13!!  He is qualifying us to reign with HIM!
-          We have to prove our devotion and loyalty
-          We must have His wisdom and strength to survive!

We decide how long it continues… = until we surrender!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Family Friday: Teaching Children How to Work

Teaching Children How to Work

        There are so many household jobs that they can be overwhelming!  If there are children in your family, then you can teach them to help out around the house.  This helps parents keep from being so stressed, and helps children learn responsibility.  There is much good to be learned from doing a job well.
        Of course we all want our children to turn out to be responsible adults.  Giving them household chores can help them learn responsibility and good work ethic.  Teaching them how to do certain jobs will increase their ability to learn new tasks, which is very helpful when they eventually get a paying job.  Giving siblings jobs to perform together will teach them how to get along and accept ideas from others.
        Perhaps you want to start assigning chores, but you are not sure about what jobs are age-appropriate.  Here is a simple list of tasks broken down by age group.  Please realize that this is not an exhaustive list; it should just give a rough idea of what your guidelines should be.
·        2-3 years old:
a.   put dirty laundry in a hamper
b.  put away toys and shoes

·        4-5 years old:
a.   help set the table
b.  clear his own place after the meal
c.   fold washcloths and handtowels
d.  pack snacks in his lunchbox

·        6-7 years old
a.   make his own sandwich
b.  sort laundry by color and begin checking pockets
c.   shake rugs outside
d.  feed and water pets daily
e.   make his bed

·        8-9 years old
a.   vaccuum
b.  sweep up
c.   wash some dishes
d.  begin mowing the lawn with an adult
e.   begin some simple, basic cooking or baking

·        10-12 years old
a.   wash and fold laundry
b.  continue learning more cooking skills
c.   increase lawn care responsibilities
d.  sweep and mop

After the age of 13, many children should be able to handle many household chores with ease.  If making a chore chart for your children is easier for you to keep track of jobs, then do that.  Please remember that each child is different in ability and maturity, so be wise when beginning to assign chores.  

 If your children do not do any chores, there’s no time like the present to begin!