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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday: By God's Grace

While driving home from church one Sunday night, we drove up to an accident that had just happened.  A man on a bicycle had been struck by a car.   We immediately pulled over, and my husband and I got out and rushed over.  My husband started directing traffic a different way and I rushed over to the man lying on the ground.  He was conscious, but a bit disoriented.   Having no medical training, I knew there was nothing I could do for his wounds, which did not appear life-threatening, so I just began to talk to him in order to distract him from his pain.  I asked his name.  He told me his name was Ian.  He lived nearby, so I tried calling his family from my cell phone to notify them of the accident. Meanwhile, someone that witnessed the accident had run to his house to tell his family.   A few minutes later, a lady ran over to him and cried "Ian!  Ian!   Are you ok??"   To which this battered and bleeding man, lying on the ground, replies "Yes, by God's grace".
Have you ever been slapped in the “spiritual” face?  
Yes, this was definitely one of those moments.
How does one, in what seemingly is a terrible situation, have such a great outlook!?

How many times have we been having a "bad day" and someone asks how we are and they receive a reply like "Ugh!  I've been better." or "It's been a horrible day!"  When in all actuality, we just simply woke up late, got caught in traffic, got a paper cut...or some other "horrible" thing that has caused us to dwell on the bad rather than the blessed.  I know I'm guilty of this more often than I probably realize.  
Even on a day when we wake up late, we should be thankful that God allowed us another day to live for Him.
Even on a day when we feel overwhelmed, we should be thankful that we serve the One that has unlimited strength for us to rely on.
Even on a day when we just don’t feel like smiling, we should be thankful that we are on our way to Heaven…by God’s grace!

Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 12:3 - For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Colossians 3:15a - And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,

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