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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday: My Heart is Fixed!

Psalm 57:7  My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.

In this passage, David is talking about how his heart is fixed on God, because God fixed his heart.  David said "I will sing and give praise."  At the particular time that David wrote this Psalms, he was not in the comfort and splendor of his palace.  He was actually far from his palace, hiding in a cave because Saul was trying to have him killed (see I Samuel 22).
What a great testimony it was for David to be continually praising God thru this calamity in his life!
Below are a few suggestions I heard given by a speaker some time back on some things to do when we are in the midst of a calamity:

1.  Read at least 1 chapter in the Bible ever morning.
2.  Write down what you learned from what you read.
3.  Make a list of things for which you can praise God for.
4.  Pray for others who also have a calamity.
5.  Continue to sing and praise God thru the day.
6.  Be in your place. Whether it be at home, work or church.
7.  Be patient
8.  Help organize the solution.

These are great practical things for us to even do on a daily basis so that when the calamity comes, we are already prepared and in the habit of doing these things already.  Then hold tight to God's promises to never leave you or forsake you.   

This brings to mind the lyrics of a song I love:

Sometimes He calms the storm, with a whispered peace be still.
He can settle any sea, but it doesn't mean He will.
Sometimes He holds us close, and lets the wind and waves go wild.
Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child.

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