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Friday, April 15, 2016

Family Friday: Is your Vineyard for sale?

Written by Pastor James Benson
1 Kings 21:3 “And Naboth said to Ahab, The Lord forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee.”

The challenge for Christians today is to keep, for future generations, the inheritance that we have received from our Forefathers. Though there are many aspects of Christianity that are under attack and that the world is trying to “buy out”, The Family remains at the top of that list. From gay marriage to common core and the government takeover of our children’s education to the murder of countless unborn children, The Family, The first institution created by God, is assaulted daily by those who would love to “buy our vineyard” and change it into something of their own making.
Naboth knew that the vineyard wasn’t his to sell. He was simply a steward of his family’s property. He told King Ahab that not only was his vineyard not for sale, but no amount of money could make him sell it. And we, just as him, have no right to sell our heritage to the highest bidder. It was bought and paid for many times over by the blood of martyrs and ultimately the Blood of Christ. We are simply keepers of the truth.
There are some things I own that aren’t for sale but if the price was right I would sell them. My old Toyota, my woodworking tools, my receding hairline? None of those are going in the garage sale this weekend, but if you offered me enough money for them, I would let them go. My Family, my Christian heritage, my convictions and the call of God in my life? Those are not for sale, and by the Grace of God, no amount of money, fame, or influence will persuade me to sell them.
Is your “vineyard” for sale? If so, it’s time to take it off the market and decide that it’s not for sale and you won’t sell it.

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