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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We Pray Wednesday: God Answers Prayer

Building Project
We were beginning to build a new building for our church.   We had ordered and just received all of the materials for the metal building.  I had been in contact with 2 missionary builders. One, an individual, and the other, a group of retired, and/or semi-retired men, who were planning to come in just a few days.
One day, I heard from the pastor of the group of men from up North, that, because of 2 or 3 reasons; health, a new temporary job,and…., the group of builders, who we were counting on to put up the metal building, would not be able to come at all.
The other man, informed me, on the same day, that he would not be able to come for a couple of months.                                                                                                                                         Needless to say, this to me, was heart breaking, and very discouraging.
I did not know what we were going to do.
I could not help but go out to the property that night, at about 10:00 PM, and pray all night.  I began to beg God for wisdom, for ideas, of who I could contact, who I could get to take these guys place.  I prayed until about 6:00 in the morning, and then went home, showered and went to the church, and school.
With the metal, for the metal building, we had received the plans for the metal building, from the manufacturer. I was looking at them, at the time of dismissal for our Christian school, when a man who’s children were in our school, came in and began to ask if we might need some fill dirt. Which we did very  much. I was very glad of this, as the  amount he needed a place to dump, would save us very much.
As he saw at what I was looking, he asked: “Ya’ll gonna put up a metal building?”  I said: "Yes, do you know anything about them?"  He said: “Well, I did it for 20 years."  I could not believe what I was hearing. 
He said he would be glad to come out and operate the rented equipment, and ramrod our metal building program.  He was such a great help. But without a doubt, he was God’s answer to prayer!!
Praise the Lord!!

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