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Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday's Message: Faithful Stewards

Faithful Stewards  
 I Corinthians 4:1-2

Living for God requires faith.  In this life everyone will believe in something, for some with will be “self” for others it might be money or fame, and then there are those who will put their trust in science.  All of us will choose a path in life that is uncertain at the outset thus requiring faith in something to proceed.  The passage we are studying today refers to the “mysteries of God.”  We all, no doubt, have had some questions about God, the Bible, and the Christian life that have caused us to ask some questions or search for answers.  It seems to me that Christ, like anyone with whom we build a relationship, makes some facts about Himself readily available to everyone, but only shares some details about Himself with those who desire to know Him better.  To believe something that you have only ever heard about another person but never seen requires a great deal of trust; hence, for us to accept the mysteries of God we must have a personal relationship with Him learn His ways.

Once a child of God has begun a relationship with Him, he becomes what this passage refers to as a “steward.”  A steward is one who has been given a responsibility to care for or distribute something of great value.  You and I, who are believers, have a responsibility to share our knowledge about the “mysteries of God” with those who do not yet know Him that well, and we also have the obligation to be faithful.  There are two ways to look at this word. The first, and more common, is that we live a consistent, exemplary life that inspires others to live for Christ just the same.  It is vital in the life of a Christian that we not only tell others about the Saviour and His desires for our lives, but that we also live a life that echoes our message.  The second way we can approach this term is in a more literary fashion.  Let’s take the word “faithful” and flip it around making it, “full of faith.”  We must be able to trust God in every area of our lives in order to reach our potential for Him.  This is not an easy thing!  There are many times in our lives that we will endure testing to build our faith; because, we have a loving Father in Heaven who is helping us to reach this required level of relationship with Him.  Are we as faithful and full of faith as we should be?

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